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The 'pescaíto frito' is undoubtedly part of Spanish gastronomy, which is already an ancestral technique. Today, we will tell you about its origin and how you can prepare it to enjoy this simple fried fish recipe with the flavor of Spain at home. It will for sure become one of your favorites.
What is ‘Pescaito frito’?
‘Pescaito frito’ is a typical Andalusian and one of the Cadiz region recipe cooked with different types of fish and seafood. These variations of fish could range from the smallest to the largest if they are chopped into small pieces and fried with olive oil from Spain.
For instance, you can prepare this recipe with squid, anchovies, or hake, and it is not necessary to stay with just one type if you keep in mind the different frying times for each one.
Where did the ‘Pescaito frito’, fried fish, originate?
The history of the recipe of 'pescaíto frito' could be traced back to the 3rd century B.C. with the Phoenician navigators who gradually introduced it to Gadir or Cádiz, Sexi or Almuñecar, and Abdara or Adra. Hence as time went by, it became a popular recipe in different parts of Andalusia.
Later, in the period of the Roman conquest, it came to be accompanied by what they called 'garum', a sauce that accompanied the dish. Moreover, the Sephardim accompanied it with vinaigrettes adding different herbs and other variations of sauces.
For instance, the above came to such a degree that there are some writings which it mentions that in 1812, Cadiz had 84 specialized fryers at the time of the signing of its Constitution.
Preparation method for the ‘Pescaito frito’
Remember that you can apply the last step to your personal taste, or leave it aside for your guests to decide the amount of lemon they prefer in their 'pescaíto frito'.
If you liked this recipe, do not forget to check out other recipes we have prepared for you, ideal for different occasions or cravings, incorporating Olive Oils from Spain.